What does it mean to live as Christian men? Forging Honor explores popular advice, books, and traditionally “manly” skills, emphasizing practical application. Hosts Benjamin and Jonathan face mental and physical challenges as they attempt to become honorable men. Join them as they take on everything from poetry to home repair to whiskey to the latest productivity fads.

Host – Benjamin “Banjo” Jones

Banjo was once told by his mother that he has a face for radio. Now, he lives in Pennsylvania with his wife where he works with a small Christian school. In his free time, he reads, writes, and reads some more. He also goes for the occasional run.

Host/Website Guru – Jonathan “JJ” George

JJ lives and works in Middle Tennessee with his wife and son. By trade, he is a software engineer and currently specializes in databases and integration software. He enjoys event planning, camping, reading, smoking a pipe, and playing Minecraft when he has the time.

Producer/Composer – Elliot George

Elliot is an accomplished musician and unicycle rider. He has unicycled while juggling, while playing accordion, while playing cello, and has unicycled off of many ramps and stairs. He leads a unicycle club in North Carolina where he also works full time as a composer.