Written Reflection

Written Reflection

If you’re like me, the first five minutes of writing are the hardest. The blank staring at an empty page, the silent room filled only with the clicking of a…
Are You an Athlete?

Are You an Athlete?

You may not think of yourself as an athlete. Or, perhaps, you still rest on the laurels of high school championships and college accolades. Either way, you no longer compete…


Check Price on Amazon Here at Forging Honor, we’re big believers in trusting the process. The road worth taking is never easy, but often surprisingly simple. The path to greatness…
Keeping an Honor Journal

Keeping an Honor Journal

The Bible instructs us to take every thought captive and to make the best use of the time. In the modern world trying to take every latest streaming series captive…
Henry V

Henry V

Henry V is one of Shakespeare's many history plays. It depicts the formerly licentious Prince Hal as he transforms into the bold King Henry, who takes the battle of the…
Rhodia A5 Notebook

Rhodia A5 Notebook

Rhodia A5 Dot: Check price on Amazon Rhodia A5 Lined: Check price on Amazon This is the perfect aid for our first challenge: the Honor Journal (from Episode 1 -…