Please Enjoy Responsibly

Please Enjoy Responsibly

We've spent a lot of time over the last four weeks talking about men's responsibility to use their bodies for their intended purpose (Challenge 29). The attention we've given to…
Exercise in Futility

Exercise in Futility

There comes a time in a man's life when he finally realizes he will never play professional baseball. Or football. Or go to the Olympics. I'm almost at that age.…
Examples Gross as Earth

Examples Gross as Earth

Let’s talk about Shakespeare. Next to the Bible, it is difficult to find a more eloquent, prolific, and masterful explorer than the Bard of those themes which we find so…
Written Reflection

Written Reflection

If you’re like me, the first five minutes of writing are the hardest. The blank staring at an empty page, the silent room filled only with the clicking of a…
Are You an Athlete?

Are You an Athlete?

You may not think of yourself as an athlete. Or, perhaps, you still rest on the laurels of high school championships and college accolades. Either way, you no longer compete…
Keeping an Honor Journal

Keeping an Honor Journal

The Bible instructs us to take every thought captive and to make the best use of the time. In the modern world trying to take every latest streaming series captive…